Prepare every step we take

Challenges and lessons that this new experience of pandemic is bringing us. We agree that this experience is teaching us a lot and is giving us the possibility of living with much more hope and confidence, making us more proactive.

We are able to live more simply, appreciating the people who care for us. Life opens up and makes us vulnerable, supportive and interdependent.

We also discover challenges that raise questions. Are we really facing the end of a system that is asking us to live and organise ourselves in a different way?

All of a sudden, we have had to adapt to working in a different way, to making more use of the technology.

During these days, we enjoy moments of silence, reflection, family conversation, feeling at home, sharing tasks and weaving networks. It is more important to be than to have, and we can build a collective “we” that makes life more fruitful.

Words of life accompany us closely. The Gospel is always present to teach us, and some of these lessons give a name to which we are experiencing during the coronavirus pandemic.

We still have a lot to process, a lot to internalise and learn in order to place ourselves in a totally new future. Pedro Poveda’s words and life are inspiring and create wisdom. Today we want them to recreate our being.

We leave you with these questions that have helped us in our reflection:

  • How am I?
  • What do I feel?
  • Where is my courage and confidence?
  • What is the coronavirus bringing to my life?
  • What lessons am I learning that can be implemented in the post-emergency period?
  • What fears and doubts does it leave with me?
  • What risks does it entail?
  • What Word of Life, of the Gospel, of Pedro Poveda, of the Teresian Association… resounds and accompanies us in this crisis?

May we never lack an image, feeling or deed that will let us know that we are on a journey. Let us always have the energy and the desire to unleash the best of ourselves to help others and to activate our vocation of service.

TA Formation Department team from Bolivia, Spain and the Philippines.