Message for the Assumption 2021*

What does the feast of the Assumption say to us today, at this time of uncertainty and disappointment, when seeds of life and goodness seem to be absent and the signs of suffering and death want to prevail?

Mary can help us to believe that nothing is impossible for God and open our eyes to see the signs of hope that are emerging at various levels and inviting us to go to the depth of our being to find the meaning of life, to understand where the treasure is that the heart seeks.

To celebrate the Assumption, all of us, members of the Teresian Association, families and friends, are invited this year to join in her Magnificat.

The words of Josefa Segovia, 70 years after her letter Regina in Coelum, continue to resonate today:

“The vision of the mother assumed into heaven will enlighten our intelligence so that we understand that nothing circumstantial is lasting and that life must be occupied in work of eternal value, in order to rise again in glorious flesh”. (Josefa Segovia, “La Asunción de María y la gracia”. Spes Nostra).

*Access the Message here in