We are about to celebrate the Feast of Holy Thursday, the commemoration of the last meal Jesus had with his disciples, a farewell gathering: «...Jesus knew that his hour had come to pass from this world to the Father.»
Invitation to service and care for others

Message of Gregoria Ruiz, TA President, for Holy Thursday 2024, for the Teresian Association Family.
As they prepared to sit for the last meal together, to their great surprise, Jesus made the gesture of washing the feet of each of his disciples. It was not considered appropriate for him to do so as it was a servant’s task.

The invitation today to a life of service, of caring for others and of hospitality, comes to us from a world filled with immense human suffering.

As we renew our commitment as disciples of Jesus, we may ask ourselves: whose feet am I called to wash? Where is Jesus calling me to serve? Who is the ‘other’ that I am called to care for?
Image: Albert Edelfelt, Jesus washes the feet to his disciples, (1898). Nationalmuseum, Estocolmo.