Letter of the Year 2025

With the title “Let us strengthen communion that moves us to mission”, the President of the Teresian Association, Gregoria Ruiz, writes her Letter of the Year 2025, addressed to all members, collaborators, friends and people who share the charism of St. Pedro Poveda.

We quote here some sentences of the Letter:

One hundred years after its Pontifical Approval, the Teresian Association sees itself to be on a synodal journey with the Church, a people reaching out, oriented towards mission –our raison d’être.

Our own experience as an Association can attest to the strength and impetus that communion gives to our living out of the mission. Where members are united, regardless of their number, the mission flourishes.


Together with the whole Church in its journey of renewal, the Teresian Association makes every effort to live the spirit of synodality and let it permeate our style of working, of relating, of communicating, of collaborating with others.


In this Jubilee Year 2025, with grateful hearts we will joyfully proclaim “the loving kindness of the heart of our God.” And with complete trust in His grace and mercy we will repeat this prayer:

Lord, your mission of love continues through us; make us Your instruments of communion and fellowship right where we are.


From here you can read or download the Letter of the year 2025 of the President of the Teresian Association in the following languages: