Carmen Cuesta del Muro

Palencia 1890 - Madrid 1968.
She was a Master and Doctor of Law, the first woman to reach this academic degree in Spain. She directed the pioneering Teresian Association University Residence that was established in Madrid in 1914.

Her work led to her appointment as a member of the National Assembly. Here she excelled in the defence of women’s civil rights.

In 1928 she travelled to Chile and for twenty years in South America she was untiring in organizing or participating in congresses, conferences, associations and women's leagues. She contributed to the development and foundation of teacher-training colleges, universities, university residences and vocational training centres.

She wrote numerous articles about teacher-training, the advancement of women and social-political issues, drawing on her legal and academic training.

In 1953, she returned to Spain to lecture at the Teacher Training College. She had retired from academic activities when she died in a tragic accident in 1968 in Madrid.